Several years ago, there was a soon-to-be-married seminary student who started attending
Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church (where I'm a member), and within a few months of him starting school, he flew out to Washington state to marry his love (after a storybook meeting and courtship) and bring her back to South Carolina. Ben is one of the most intense and passionate people I know, especially when it comes to his love for God and for his flock. Sarah is a perfect mate for him, his calm harbor and helpmate and I became good friends with both of them during his seminary stay. The day I got the call from a temp agency to start my job with Guardian was the same day I was helping Ben and Sarah pack up from their small duplex apartment for them to move back up to New York state (where Ben hails from) and start working at a
church in New Hyde Park, NY. In the four and a half years since they've moved, I've seen them once, when they came in to town for a short visit. When they moved, they had two young children (under age 3), and at the time of their quickie visit, she was shortly due to give birth to child #3.

In the intervening years, the children have all grown quite a bit, and one of the delights of this weekend, beyond getting to meet back up with Ben and Sarah (who, incidentally have had a jam packed schedule) is to get to know the kids. They are each unique....and thrilled with my digital camera :) I never thought about it, but it's great to have one when the kids keep asking if they can take a picture

. Katie took a picture of Andrew and Kenton. Kenton took a picture of Katie and Andrew, and Andrew took a picture of Katie and Kenton. I believe that could have gone on for hours...and no film wasted! I did get all three of them together for a great shot, and there was a surprise shot that Katie took by doing a self portrait, holding the camera out at arm's length and aiming it back at her and

Andrew. Kenton wanted me to get a shot of Herbert, his elephant. And a picture of his sippy cup.
Little did I know at the time I asked to stop in, this is a full house right now. Sarah's sister "Auntie Becca" and two of her cousins (another Sarah, and Jenna) are also living here presently, so the little house you saw with the bike in front is currently housing six adults and three kiddos. Surprisingly, it's a fairly well ordered chaos (although poor Ben is surrounded by females!

), and I feel a high honor to have been allowed a bedroom all to myself. The weather today was about a picture perfect definition of miserable. It was raw, rainy, windy and k-o-l-d (perfectly shown in the background of this picture of one of the ritziest McDonald's I've ever seen, located in Garden City). I was soooo thankful to be riding in their minivan to church this morning, enjoying the heat. At church this morning, I met Tarayn who'd been a bridesmaid with me in a mutual friend's wedding...haven't seen her since Amanda got married, but it was nice to have that common link. She is due to have her second son any day now...just so long as it is
after the Brad Paisley concert on Wednesday. She's one of a small minority of country music listeners up here. Sarah said there's not even a country music station around here, which is a sad thing indeed!
Ben preached this evening from I Samuel 3 about Samuel's call, and communion was served afterwards...the church has a very close-knit feel to it. It's not a large congregation, but I believe it is a close family. I enjoyed talking with several members while I was there, and was very warmly welcomed. This afternoon did afford the blissful Sunday afternoon nap, so I'm starting to be able to think about getting back on the road with a sense of being refreshed. The weather is moving out of my way (praise God!) and temps are staying above freezing (daytime, anyway). I'm going to try to get some decent shots...tomorrow is a lot of 'gotta get there' riding, but Tuesday through Thursday should have some nice rides ahead.
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