Across the
It turned out the branch was only about 4 miles from the hotel and pretty easy to find. I pulled into the yard, walked back into the break room, asking for Scott (#1 dispatcher??). He was there, so we got to jaw jacking some, and I got a tour of the facility in the ubiquitous electric golf cart that it seems each branch is equipped with. After a while, I walked up front to the office and went to see the branch and district manager, Gary, who proceeded to quiz me about my trip so far. Being the shy and reticent person I am, I talked for the next 30 minutes solid, giving him all the details of the adventure so far.
Eventually, I started getting ready to go, and called my next
Not far from the branch was a gas station to top off, and from there I got onto interstate 25 south for a short hop before heading east on interstate 40. For the next 120 miles, you come down out of the mountains (and cooler air) into the flat and wide ope
Once out of the gas station, I was on US 84, which would take me through Fort Sumner, NM, through Clovis, NM, cross over the tracks into Texas, and then on to Lubbock. The roads were straight and long. (unde
Even in death, he's behind bars, mainly because the grave stone had been stolen so many times. Behind the wrought iron enclosure was a blooming cactus that was absolutely beautiful. I took my pictures, sweated a few gallons, read the sign and then got back on the road. One of the next burgs I rode
Clovis, NM was hot. As in 100 degrees hot. I stopped in town briefly for gas, but lingered not. There's an AFB there, and I wish I'd gotten some pics of the planes on display, but didn't have my camera out in time. Finally, 90 miles later, I started entering the outskirts of Lubbock. The directions routed me in through downtown, with blocks and blocks of stop lights. My left thumb had started to bother me the day before, and since this was the hand that operates the clutch, it was not happy with the constant stopping and starting with the lights.
Finally, I made the last three right turns and ended up in the parking lot of our branch there. Rode over to a patch of shade by the warehouse, took of my helmet and gloves, and walked up to the entrance. A couple of folks knew I was coming, so I got a warm welcome from Kay and Mike (who was my host for the night). I rousted Chad (the manager) out of his office, and he came out to be sociable, and ended up giving me the walkabout tour of the branch. I work with the rolling stock of these branches, so it was cool to get to see the trucks I knew by number, but not by sight :) (Yes, PJ, I am a nerd.)
We circled back around the parking lot, and Chad went over to see the bike. While standing there, he asked if the bike was leaking oil. Probably because there was some fresh oil on the concrete just below the centerstand area on the bike. Not a lot, only about four or five drops, but definitely from the bike. I leaned the bike vertical to check the sight glass, and it looked a little low, but nothing detrimental. I figured I'd keep an eye on it that night and make a
Around 6 p.m., Mike's wife Beth got home, and started working to put together the night's supper, which was chicken spaghetti, salad, rolls and fresh fruit (strawberries and cantaloupe). I was happily drafted to cut up fruit in the kitchen, and we sat down later to a tasty and refreshing supper. While Beth and I sat at the table and talked, Mike decided to go outside and trim the grass around the edges of the fence and patio. After supper was cleaned up, Beth offered the use of their washer and dryer, which was wonderful. I had enough clean clothes for another day, but it was much nicer to be able to pack my bags with 100% clean stuff before going to bed that night.
Since they had wifi, I was able to get a blog entry done that night (probably about five days behind times), and I think I finally turned out the light around midnight. The next day's ride wasn't too long, so I didn't have to be on the road early. Beth made sure I knew where every possible thing for breakfast was located so I could fix myself whatever I had the whim for. Before I went to bed, I put a clean paper towel under the bike in the garage to see how much it might leak overnight, and after that, I decided to enjoy my night of sleep immensely!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh. Suspense!!!