I hopped onto I-35, and took the next exit, which was Memorial Drive, and started heading west on that. I knew the church was on North Western Drive, and was pretty sure Memorial would intersect it. A few miles and stoplights down the road, and there was Western Drive, big as life, and I turned left. I realized within about two blocks I should have turned right. My mental map had Memorial on the north side of the church, but when I turned left, that put me back under the turnpike, and I knew the turnpike was south of the church. Did a quick u-turn, and about four blocks later, pulled into the parking lot. The worship service was good, followed by an interesting Sunday school. The interim pastor there went to college with my senior pastor in Greenville, so
After changing back into riding togs
One other cool sight for today was the Memorial Park Cemetery. It's bounded by a b
Pueblo is the goal on Monday, and I'm hoping for an early start. I'm also hoping for some of my sadly out of shape muscles to stop protesting quite so loudly. It's about 550 miles (might have to write some directions down this time), which will be another long day, but once again, after Monday and Tuesday's ride, I've got a two day break in Aspen. I just looked at the map, and I'm going to stick to the state highways instead of interstate, which will run me through Woodward, OK and Dodge City, KS. Turns out I recently had business dealings at work with someone in Woodward, OK, who it turns out rides a BMW 800 FST. Small world, indeed!
cool post. Be safe vowel challenger. :)