In that month there have been four Saturdays (as is usually the case) and three of them were beautiful. Sunny. Warm. Beckoning. Tantalizing.
Three Saturdays ago, I had to do yard work. This wasn't just a mild courtesy for the neighbors. I hadn't mowed since probably mid June, the leaves were starting to come down and I still had some plants to get in the ground from the last bestowal from my plant benefactrix. I really needed to be able to get my mower started (the carb was fouled and I couldn't even get the ruddy thing to turn over). Thankfully, Mr. Rogers is my neig
The next week, I started getting all fixit lady minded (drip), and on Wednesday decided to (drip) tackle two items that had long (drip) been plauging me. One was
Wednesday nights are evidently not normal, because there wasn't anyone to be found with a helpful lift to his brow. I walked from the plumbing department to the lighting department and managed not to be accosted. Didn't see what I needed in either department, and finally got a warm greeting as I was walking out the exit. Drove to the HD in Greer, and found more of the same...Wednesday night is not their forte. I finally managed to tackle someone who was trying to mind his own 'Kitchen' business and he took me to the plumbing area I'd missed, and called on his little walkie talkie for someone to come to the plumbing department. Apparently no one informed him of their Wednesday policy, because no one showed up. Ever. It ended up with a 'sorry, but you probably need to check up at the plumbing supply place up the road because I can't find what you need and really don't have a clue.'
After my two quests at Home Depot, I did stop in Lowe's to see what they might have, but they carry not the American Standard brand. I browsed their ceiling light selection while there and found something that I thought would be serviceable. It wasn't great, but it was cheap and passable...enough to get past the flickering antiquity in place. Once I got back home, I tried to put the old cartridge back into the faucet, but now it had gone from the occasional, though regular drop to a drippity drippity, drippity, drippity, until I had to just turn off the cold water at the shutoff valve. I mean, cold water at the kitchen sink is over rated anyway, right? At least I had the light I could put up. I turned off the breaker, took down the old, crusty, brittle mess and put up the new little m
Thursday, I found out the plumbing place up the road actually had the part I needed (happy dance!) and they had 15 in stock. They were $6 cheaper than ordering it online from the manufacturer and they opened at 8 a.m., so Friday morning, I got my faucet cartridge in hand (I'm loving Imsco!) and Saturday morning I returned
The windows were open at the house and I heard a lot of bikes ride by as I was laboring inside, but having the drip dry up and the light replaced were enough of a tradeoff, that I was able to wait for another day to ride.
This past Saturday, it started cool, but ended up being a mild and beautiful day, which was a perfect day for the wedding of one of my best friends. She'd asked me to be a bridesmaid, so instead of riding off into the mountains, I was sitting in a chair at 9 a.m. having my hair crafted and makeup applied to go with the black dress and three inch heels (and I'm no shorty!) It's kind of nice to get cleaned up nicely every once in a while just to prove that I can :) I forgot to take my camera for the big day, but I might get some pics later to post. We'll see.
So in light of the fact that I've not ridden for the last three beautiful Saturdays, I plan to make up for that and ride out on Thanksgiving Day up to Kentucky to visit some cousins I've not seen for years. I'm especially looking forward to spending time with one who lives outside of Seattle, and with whom I spent a few summers with while growing up in Kansas. The forecast has been its usual fickle self, and up until this afternoon, it was showing snow showers in the forecast for Lexington on Friday. It's calmed down now to a.m. clouds and afternoon sun, but the lows are still going to be dang chilly, down to 27 on Friday. Lord willing, I'll be heading back on Saturday afternoon, so it will just be a short trip, but I'm in the mood for a mini trip :) I'll see if I can have some kind of adventure while I'm gone...just to keep it interesting.
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